

Day: September 30, 2014

UPUA Releases Statement on Closed Meeting

UPUA has been criticized in the recent week by Onward State, the Daily Collegian, trustee Al Lord, and others for voting to close part of its meeting on Wednesday night to discuss the possibility of taking a stance on the Freeh report. UPUA released a statement today justifying its position on the close executive session, which is published verbatim.

THON Releases 2015 Promo Video

In case you thought you couldn’t be any more excited to Empower the Dreamers at THON this year, the official 2015 Penn State Dance Marathon Promo Video is here to prove you wrong.

Moving Forward: Mike Hull’s Bye Week Update

Senior linebacker Mike Hull spoke to the media Tuesday morning, providing insight on Penn State's first loss, early preparation for Michigan, and concussions.

A Penn State Vegetarian’s Lament

I thought that Penn State and the surrounding area boast a cornucopia of eateries for every dietary preference and restriction. Boy, was I wrong.

Coach Mike Morse: Talks the Talk and Walks the Walk, Briskly

Mike Morse, known by his students simply as Coach, or Coach Morse, currently teaches fitness walking, bowhunting, and men's basketball as a part of the Kinesiology Physical Activity Program (KPAP). He is often seen leading a pack of students through campus, donning a baseball cap and a towel draped around his neck. The sight is somewhat reminiscent of Forrest Gump running in the desert with a pack of clueless followers behind. And from the life stories told by Coach Morse, it seems as though he may have a lot more in common with Forrest than your average Joe.

How to Tip Your State College Server

The service industry works hard to get you what you need, so help them out by tipping them properly.

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