‘The Silent Conversation’ To Broach Race Relations At Penn State
Trying to make audible “The Silent Conversation,” State Of State and the Association of Residence Halls will co-host a discussion moderated by World In Conversation facilitators this evening regarding race relations at Penn State from 5-6 p.m. in 106 Boucke Building.
Named “The Silent Conversation” as recognition of students’ unwillingness to discuss race relations, the directors of the event think it’s important to give students a forum, especially in light of last semester’s die-ins and fallout. Participants will be broken up into groups in order to keep the conversations small.
“We’re here to provide students with an opportunity to converse with each other. This is a topic that we thought would be better guided by the students themselves instead of having panelists,” said Kate Taylor, State Of State’s Community Relations Director. Normally, State Of State events are led by panels.
In addition to this evening’s opportunity, the African American Studies Department is offering a class dealing with the Ferguson shootings in March.
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