Employees of the Office of the Physical Plant are responsible for everything from building renovations to saving stuck Penn State animals.
According to the legislation passed by UPUA, replacing napkin holders with dispensers will be cost effective and eco-friendly. Jim Richards, the Interim Director of Residential Dining, agreed to a pilot program in Redifer Commons.
Why was a Jurassic Park-themed jeep cruising around State College earlier this week, piloted by an affable yet mysterious man in a safari hat? I do not have an answer for you -- at least not one I can share.
Penn State students will pay one fee instead of three on top of tuition starting next year after a proposal by the three student governments was approved by the Penn State's administration and President Eric Barron.
At Sundance Film Festival six students had the opportunity to network and meet successful people in the film industry who could potentially help them with their careers later on.
n keeping with the THON hype, our Director series returns with the leader of all social and brand management platforms and connections to all things FTK, Public Relations Director Lily Beatty.