

Month: February 2017

Better Know A THON Committee: Public Relations

The THON Public Relations Committee is one of the biggest factors as to why Penn State has been able to surpass $10 million in annual fundraising proceeds at THON four out of the last five years.

The Best Of Your Vintage THON Apparel

In preparation for the mass amounts of tutus and themed-shirts we always see during THON weekend, we challenged former THON participants to send in their vintage THON attire -- and they delivered.

Dancing In THON Half A World Away From Home

Sasha Terekhova, a senior from Moscow, Russia, is one of only eight international students of the 703 dancers standing for 46 hours this weekend.

Overheard On Twitter: THON-Induced Delirium

As we enter the home stretch of THON 2017, Twitter is blowing up with Penn Staters sharing their frazzled thoughts and experiences.

Jerseys Spotted at THON

We wandered all over the BJC to find some of the best jerseys that THON has to offer.

The Rockets Return To Keep THON Going Strong

The Rockets, a seven-piece band from Philadelphia, returned to THON for yet another high-energy set.

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