One THON dancer and Sue Paterno fan crossed off a major bucket list item recently when she got to take a picture with Paterno during THON Weekend 2017. But senior Briana Duffy had no idea she’d be in for a much bigger surprise soon after.
Duffy received an email from Wendi Keeler, Assistant to the Dean for External Relations at Penn State’s Pattee and Paterno Libraries. Keeler told Duffy that Barbara Dewey — Dean of Libraries — had heard about Duffy’s interaction with Paterno. She asked if she’d like to stop by the library to receive a free bookmark. The bookmarks been a part of the Paternos’ campaign to encourage Penn State students to spend more time reading.
“As you know, the Paternos were the driving force in the library expansion in 2000 hence the name — Paterno Library. Sue is still extremely involved in our Library Development Board and still supports the Libraries in every way she can,” Keeler said in the email. “A couple years ago, we Joe and Sue posed for a poster and bookmarks encouraging people to READ and visit the Libraries. Would you like a print? What is your class schedule this week? Would you be able to come to the Dean’s Suite to meet me?”
Duffy told Keeler that the email had made her day, and she agreed to stop by the suite that Thursday afternoon. Keeler then mentioned the vague possibility of a special guest and told Duffy to bring her camera just in case. Once she arrived at the library, Duffy still wasn’t sure exactly what to expect from the visit, but the small heads up made her both nervous and excited about what was to come — she was blown away that there might even be the slightest chance of meeting her idol once again.
“Then it happened!” Duffy said in a Her Campus article about the experience. “The one and only Sue Paterno walked into Paterno library.”
(Photo: Briana Duffy)
Duffy couldn’t believe the women had taken the time to set up such a personal get together for her. She had finally gotten the chance to actually sit down and spend time with the woman who had served as her role model for her entire life — for her, it was one of the best things that could happen during her final semester at Penn State.
Claire Fountas is the student life editor for Onward State, as well as a junior pursuing a double major in journalism and psychology. She lives in a suburb of Chicago and strongly disagrees with anyone who hates the Cubs or the Blackhawks (so, pretty much anyone at Penn State). You can follow her @ClaireFountas or email her at