After the news broke, Penn Staters took to Twitter to share their disappointment in the decision. And they're not messing around.
Duke and Monica Gastinger have owned the two businesses since the 1980s, but the Rathskellar has been around since November 9, 1933, three days after the end of prohibition in the United States.
Penn State Athletics student tickets for the Fiesta Bowl against Washington will cost $155, compared to Washington's much lower $50 student ticket to the same game.
If you're from "just outside Philly," you can cap off your winter break by attending the Philadelphia Flyers' THON game on January 4.
Bertha Castaneda-Guzman was named Miss Congeniality in this year's Miss Pennsylvania USA pageant, which was held in Pittsburgh over the weekend.
To help you a little with your last-minute logistics frenzy, here’s what you need to think about to get there, stay there, tailgate, and enjoy the game.