"There is nothing more satisfying than seeing a kid turn into a rockstar on stage THON Weekend, jam out to a song you played, or jump for joy when they see their favorite Star Wars character walking around on the floor."
A Husqvarna Automower 450X has been keeping Old Main Lawn trim and confusing passers-by as part of a larger OPP trial initiative to introduce more sustainable equipment to its arsenal.
There are ridiculous ways to draw attention to your event, but the Citrus Bowl has taken the cake with the "notes" from its final bowl selection committee meeting.
Fall 2018 enrollment across the university system is 97,136 -- down by 1.7 percent from the previous year.
Five top-12 teams have missed out on the New Year's Six bowls. Here's a look at those teams, what kept them out of the New Year's Six, and how Penn State compares.