

Day: October 16, 2020

Student Life

State College’s Best & Most Obscure Penn State Gear

Who wouldn't want a Penn State unicorn or blue hot chocolate?

Student Life

PSU Votes Remains Dedicated To Civic Engagement Despite Pandemic’s Challenges

"I truly believe that Penn State students can turn the election around this year."

Student Life

Penn State WORDS To Host ‘Spooky Slam’ Poetry Event October 30

After the competition, contestants will get the chance to enjoy a virtual movie night.

Student Life

Former Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang Talks Politics, Economy With Students

Yang visited Penn State Altoona to discuss his experiences and offer advice to student voters.

Student Life

10 Questions With BJC Managing Chef Skylar Diehl

We sat down with Skylar Diehl to learn more about the woman behind the Bryce Jordan Center's fan-favorite food.

Student Life

Self-Care Needed In Spring Break’s Absence, CAPS Doctor Says

"It is critical that we support each other and take care of ourselves...Let’s all be good to each other and ourselves."

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