

Troy Ott Named Dean Of Penn State College Of Agricultural Sciences

Troy Ott has been named dean of the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, effective July 1, the university announced Tuesday. Ott entered the role while working as the interim director of the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences, a role that has been filled by Patrick Drew.

“[Ott’s] ability to communicate his passion and vision will allow him to engage broad audiences, including Pennsylvania’s legislature, which is essential to Penn State’s success,” said Tracy Langkilde, interim executive vice president and provost, in a statement.

Ott has worked at Penn State since 2006 as a faculty member in the university’s Department of Animal Sciences. He is the inventor or co-inventor on five patents and has authored over 100 scientific papers and review articles.

Ott has a bachelor’s degree from Penn State in animal production, a master’s degree in reproductive physiology from Auburn, and a doctoral degree in reproductive physiology from Florida. He previously worked in the faculties of Texas A&M and Idaho.

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About the Author

Joe Lister

Joe is a senior journalism major at Penn State and Onward State's managing editor. He writes about everything Penn State and is single-handedly responsible for the 2017 Rose Bowl. Don't hesitate to buy him a pitcher at Cafe 210, please. For dumb stuff, follow him on Twitter (iamjoelister). For serious stuff, email him ([email protected]).

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