Known for their large, light-up sign, the special interest organization has already begun stirring up trouble and switching their letters around.
Whether you're cheering from the stands, or watching at home on the livestream, we want to know how you're supporting the kids.
Stay in the loop with live updates, coverage, and photos of the speakers as they take the stage for TEDxPSU 2018.
Del Rey's background dancers sported Penn State hockey jerseys, and she swung over the crowd Kanye West-style on a suspended swing during the show.
Participants can expect free coffee, hearty oatmeal, chill vibes, crafts, and hugs this Sunday. In addition, there will be (possibly grindcore) yoga and zine making.
HaHa Valley comedy conference will take over 113 Carnegie Building from 1:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. November 4.