

Author: Alicia Thomas

About the Author

Alicia Thomas

Alicia is a senior with majors in Print Journalism and Spanish and a minor in International Studies. Chances are that she's somewhere talking about her semester abroad or ranting about sexual assault prevention right now. She can be reached via Twitter (@aliciarthomas) or email (

Overheard at Bid Day

Overheard is back! What better place to start than sorority Bid Day?

Let’s Talk About Sex: Sexversations Are Happening at the HUB

For one night and one night only, the Center for Women Students will host an event called Sexversations ® in the HUB. Stop by Heritage Hall at 6:30 p.m. tonight to see your student activity fee at work, and to join in on healthy conversations about sex and related topics.

PSUAlerts: Instead of Victim Blaming, Try This

Let's skip the list of safety precautions and focus on all of the ways that the university actually helps potential victims as well as survivors of sexual assault. Offering links to those valuable resources in a PSUAlert would be much more effective method of preventing assaults than simply listing safety tips.

Halfway There: Alumnus Norman Horn Has Walked 1,800 Miles FTK

Norman Horn of Coast 2 Coast FTK began his journey in San Francisco on April 5 with the goal of walking 3,100 miles and raising $250,000 for THON. Three and a half months later, this ambitious alumnus has reached the halfway point.

Overheard at Are U Hungry

Some places are just meant for stoners. When the munchies inevitably rear their ugly head, you bet your bottom dollar that hungry potheads will wander into Are U Hungry.

THON 2014 Logo Revealed at Family Carnival

Four Diamonds families, captains, and committee members packed in the White Building gym to celebrate this year’s Family Carnival. This year's Family Carnival theme, "A Day in Paradise," offered attendees a beachy escape from the snowy State College weather.

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