

Author: Becky Perlow

About the Author

Becky Perlow

Becky is a feature writer for Onward State. Currently on her victory lap (read: fifth-year senior), she studies both journalism and hotel/restaurant management at Penn State. She hails from Charm City, Maryland, and as a rabid Ravens fan, she isn't afraid to insult the Steelers QB ("No means no!"). She also loves to travel -- she's been to 26 countries and counting!

Do You Know the Coffee Man?

At 5:55 a.m. on a dark, deserted street tucked between College and Beaver avenues, a car silently pulls into an empty parking spot. A man emerges a few seconds later, wearing a three-day-old five o’clock shadow and holding a tobacco pipe comfortably between his lips as if it’s an extra appendage. He walks quickly toward the coffee shop across the street, eager to get out of the chilly winter air.

Fiddling with his keys for a moment until the lock clicks, he enters the room and heads directly into the back, hanging his hunter-green winter coat on a peg and pulling off his leather gloves, throwing them haphazardly on the counter next to him.

Read the rest of our profile of William Christopher Clarke, the owner of The Cheese Shoppe and W.C. Clarke's Coffee, after the jump.

Halloweekend Police Roundup

After living and studying at Penn State for the past five years, there's little (if anything) that will surprise me anymore when I step out on to the streets of State College. Chicken-costumed students running laps in my lecture hall in Thomas Building, atheists protesting crazy religious groups that flock to our campus each semester, and girls doing the walk of shame at all hours of the day are only some of my favorite memories of college life.

But Halloween in State College? Now that is a horse of a different color.

Scott Conklin: The Best of Both Worlds?

As citizens across Pennsylvania flock to the polls today to vote for their candidate of choice, residents of the state’s 77th district are faced with a difficult decision that their counterparts don’t have to make: vote for Scott Conklin as representative for the state House, as lieutenant governor, or both?

Bed Bugs to Invade State College

Run. Save yourself.

Because after a 50 year hiatus, bed bugs have returned. Only this time, they're a little more adventurous. Having traded bed sheets for backpacks and bedrooms for restaurants, bed bugs are dominating national news as they make appearances in major cities like New York City and Washington D.C., as well as smaller cities, like our dear ol' town of State College.

Fluids for Funds: The Process of Donating Plasma

It’s hard enough for some college students to pay their tuition fees or housing bills, but add bar tabs and grocery bills and you’ll find it’s near impossible to keep your bottom line in the black. So what can the average college student do to keep ahead of the game without sacrificing too many hours pushing papers behind a desk or slaving over a restaurant stove?

Ski Team Wipes Out at PSU Homecoming Parade

Sometimes plans don't unfold the way you want them to. During Friday's Homecoming parade, the Penn State Ski Team tried to do a little demonstration. Needless to say, it didn't turn out so well. Check out the video and see for yourself.

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