So maybe the 100-degree heat isn't your thing and summer is dragging on, or maybe you're the biggest Penn State football fan next to James Franklin, but either way fall 2015 will be here before you know it. And even more comforting? There’s tons to look forward to.
Why travel a world of countries when you can travel a world of flavors with Berkey Creamery's newest novelty in celebration of their 150th anniversary: a flavor passport!
Though there are still about two months until we return to Happy Valley, the remainder of summer will fly, and freshmen will be taking over their new campus before they know it. To make the most of the remaining time, we've put together a checklist of things that will make transitioning into your freshman year of college a little bit easier.
The U.S. News & World Report ranked The Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital in eight specialties for the Best Children's Hospital Rankings for 2015-16. Though Hershey first made the list in 2008, the eight specialties for which the hospital ranked are the most to date.
Sick of being locked up in your dorm room cramming? Get outside and study under one of these beautiful trees instead.