

Author: Emily Grill

About the Author

Emily Grill

Emily is a third-year broadcast journalism student from New Jersey. She likes to think that being Italian and 5 feet tall are her biggest personality traits. You can probably catch her at Chick-fil-A at least two or three days out of the week. Feel free to contact her by emailing [email protected].

Student Life

Penn State To Kick Off Campus Pride Month With April 11 March

The annual event will begin at the HUB before the group marches to Old Main in display of support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Student Life

Your Best (Worst?) State College Apartment Horror Stories

From crazy roommates to caved-in ceilings, your apartment horror stories covered a lot of ground.

Student Life

Share Your State College Apartment Horror Stories

Now that the academic year is nearing its end, we want to hear about your apartment horror stories.


Blue Sapphire Gillian Brooks Trades Beaver Stadium For BJC As THON 2022 Dancer

This weekend, Brooks is eager to create a new identity for herself as a THON dancer. 


We Want To Hear Why You’re Dancing In THON 2022

Are you one of the 667 Penn State students dancing in THON 2022? If you’re dancing for 46 hours in the BJC for the first time in two years, we want to hear your story!

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