If you’re feeling a little bit (or a lot bit) overwhelmed by the plethora of local stores in downtown State College, never fear, you’re not alone.
"I dabble in a lot of things, but you can gain a lot of experience from them and the people you meet. I like putting myself in crazy situations, but I get a lot of experience from seeing what bounces off of that."
The Penn State W.O.R.D.S team featured four poets -- Seckin Kara, Fatimah Ally, Rabiyatu Jalloh, and Cleo Roseboro -- as well as their coach, Asia Bryant-Wilkerson, a poet from Los Angeles who's now studying in New York.
"This year marks an important landmark in the THON community's ability to recognize the problem, but it is an uphill battle from here to find solutions."
The Student Farm Club hopes to bring a little life to campus with their annual plant sale.
A new speaker series has taken over State College, and it's specifically tailored for "nerds and geeks."