

Author: Gabriela Stevenson

About the Author

Gabriela Stevenson

Gabriela is a senior majoring in print and digital journalism and Onward State's former student life editor. She is from Norristown, PA, which she normally refers to as "30 minutes outside of Philadelphia" (she looked up the exact driving time). She enjoys really enjoys eating cereal at night, in case you were wondering. To contact Gabriela, e-mail her at, or follow her on Twitter @GabiStevenson if you want to feel young again.


Looking Up From My Shoes: Gabriela Stevenson’s Senior Column

"Looking up can be hard to do (especially when your shoes are really cute). When you do, it may not look like what you thought it would. I know now that can be a really great thing."


Pop Up Ave Is Back For Its Annual Spring Flea Market

More than 40 retail, food, and drink vendors will fill up Fraser Street this weekend.

Student Life
Student Life

Gameday Observations: Blue-White 2019

There are a lot of common themes during Blue-White weekend each year (drinking, Homecoming's logo reveal, drinking, long lines downtown, drinking), but each year is a little different than the last.

Student Life

Live In Party Mode Until Graduation With A State College Bar Playlist

But really, it's for soon-to-be graduates, newly legal drinkers at Penn State, and anyone who enjoys classic rock and mid-2000s hits.

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