HackPSU will host its annual 24-hour Hack-a-Thon in March in an effort to bring creative minds and innovative talent together.
Every year, 708 dancers from all walks of Penn State life take the floor of the BJC with their Dancer Relations Committee Member to dance for 46 hours straight. However, most people — especially those in larger orgs — may not get that chance. Dancing in the stands is a passion shared by all THON-goers, […]
Ask any dancer and they'll talk you through their weeks of cardio, diet, and endurance preparations for the big weekend. Some THON participants, prepare their bodies in a slightly different way. This THON preparation only takes a half hour and some clippers or trimmers.
After piling on reference after reference, line dance lyrics sometimes go over our heads. So to save you from some time-consuming Google searches, here are some of the lyrics of this year’s line dance, translated into layman's terms.
Innoblue's Summer Founders Program will reward $10,000 grants to student entrepreneurs starting new projects this summer.