State College is full of, er, personalities. Boombox Guy, McLanaman, the Willard Preacher, the Squirrel Whisperer, Mike the Mailman – the list goes on.
One of the newer players to the game is Todd of the Vamos! Lion Chariot. You probably have seen him riding around campus or downtown honking his bike horn and waving hello at just about everyone.
Penn State Sophomore Nicole Kelner began her small smart purse business out of her dorm room last semester. Now, with a booming Etsy shop, she has created a brand all before officially declaring her major. Learn more about the Smart Purse after the jump.
A little internet birdy told me about Penn State's surplus eBay account -- an apparent dumping ground for the various departments at Penn State to sell all the crap they don't need anymore. I thought that maybe the Lion Ambassadors were cleaning out their closet of Penn State secrets so I was like "Let's check this out!" And then it just turned out to be a really sub-par garage sale that was so bad it wasn't even selling headless Barbies or crock-pots.
So last night the Maybach Music Group made their way to State College to talk about their bitches that look like bags of money. Fortunately I was one of the people in the audience. Here a general around of highlights that happened in a pretty accurate sequencial order:
Good news! On Monday, Boombox Guy announced that he is planning to pass down his boombox to some poor Penn State soul by Thanksgiving.
Think you have what it takes?
Freshman Mary Krupa loves Penn State squirrels. She is best known for putting various hats on them and documenting it. I spent an afternoon with her and these furry guys and it was....wild.