

Author: Maggie Wrobel

About the Author

Maggie Wrobel

Maggie is a sophomore majoring in Film and Video, and is a videographer for Onward State. She is from Bethlehem, PA (no, not where Jesus was born), and she loves the Christmas City. Maggie is a firm believer in the saying, "you gotta risk it to get the biscuit," and is always ready to pet any dog she passes on the street. You can contact her at [email protected]. But you should follow her on Twitter: @m_wrobs

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The magical world of Harry Potter has infiltrated our club sports teams.

Send Us Your Craziest Parents Greek Weekend Photos

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[Video] We Are (Uncomfortable)

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[Video] Drunk Trivia: State Patty’s Edition

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[Video] Welcome To The THON Floor

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