

Author: Marie Moyer

About the Author

Marie Moyer

Marie is a fourth-year student majoring in journalism and minoring in sociology. She loves being fiscally irresponsible at local farmers markets, watching niche documentaries on HBO, and going to Penn State hockey games as "self-care." You can reach her on Instagram - @_mariemoyer_ or send her suggestions (and cat photos) via her email - [email protected].

Student Life
Zach Schwartz | Onward State

We Want To See Your Jank Houses

From a duct-taped support beam that's crucial to the structural integrity of your roof to a porch that's a tetanus minefield, we want to see the real college experience.

Things That Would Get Your ‘Penn State Card’ Revoked

It's important to be your Penn State best, and one small mistake may call your student title into question.

Student Life

Penn State BLUEprint Constructing Community For Students Of Color

BLUEprint's goal is to help provide a community for first-year and transfer students through a mentor-mentee program.


Freshman 101: Your Guide To Penn State Tailgating

Freshmen, Onward State has prepared your guide to the tailgating scene to ensure you do the Penn State football pregame right.

Student Life

Penn State Recognized Among Nation’s Most LGBTQ-Friendly Universities

Penn State was given high marks on criteria like LGBTQ support and institutional commitment, LGBTQ student life, LGBTQ campus safety, and LGBTQ counseling and health.

The Comparison Complication: Penn State Student Leaders Discuss Imposter Syndrome

Student leaders shared their struggles with motivation and self-confidence and provided solutions to stay positive.

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