

Author: Megan Dougherty

About the Author

Megan Dougherty

Megan Dougherty is a senior majoring in English and an associate editor at Onward State. She loves making music, consuming the maximum daily amount of coffee recommended by the FDA, and overanalyzing Taylor Swift lyrics. Feel free to follow her on Instagram @meganedougherty and forward any (free) The Eras Tour tickets to her email, [email protected]

Student Life

You’re On Your Own, Kid: Megan Dougherty’s Senior Column

"Every puzzle piece didn’t just fall into place before. I found where it belonged. And I can do it again."

Student Life

Penn State To Host Sexual Assault Awareness Events Throughout April

The events will kick off with a performance from Jessica Browning on Wednesday, April 3.

Student Life

UPUA To Host Annual Sustainability Summit April 1

The Sustainability Summit will feature a clothing swap and keynote speaker Margaret Klein Salamon.

Your Best ‘Why I Got Kicked Out Of A State College Bar’ Stories: Part Two

We compiled more of your best kicked-out-of-a-bar stories for the second installment of this year's series.

Student Life

SPA, Opulence To Host Free Drag Show With Kerri Colby & Rosé March 21

The free event will kick off at 8 p.m. on Thursday, March 21, in the HUB's Alumni Hall.

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