Judge Greg Mathis, of the popular court show, Judge Mathis, will be coming to Penn State to give a presentation about his story of struggle that led to success. His presentation is sponsored by the Multicultural Undergraduate Law Association.
Nestled in the northern part of campus, the Palmer Museum of Art is quite the gem and often goes under appreciated by Penn State students. Did you know that there's a Picasso piece there? What about some fantastic sculptures in their sculpture garden? Or maybe you're quite fond of Renaissance-era art and don't want to go out to a big art museum to see pieces like that. If you haven't ventured out to the Palmer, maybe it's time to take in some really neat art pieces and see for yourself.
Eleven Penn State fencers traveled to San Antonio, Texas, to compete in the NCAA Championships, against schools like Notre Dame, Princeton, Ohio State, and more. The team took third this year with great fencing all across the board.
Start-Up Week is upon us here at Penn State, showcasing the "success of young entrepreneurs and innovators in technology and security." But did you know that some start-ups go beyond all of that? Some utilize technology to bring stores from all over the world to one place online, where you can shop from the comfort of your own room, without stepping foot on a plane. That's where Shoptiques comes into play.
Graduation is supposed to be an exciting time in every collegiate's career. However, what happens after graduation? How do people really feel about finding a job right after graduation? One of our writers has opened up to speak about her personal feelings about her experience finding a job after college.