

Author: Melanie Versaw

About the Author

Melanie Versaw

Melanie is a senior majoring in both Marketing and Advertising. She enjoys blowing bubbles, beating boys in Mario Kart, and going to concerts. Oh, and she takes photographs, as well.

Onward State Goes to Cafe Laura

The first thing to come out of our waiter’s mouth at our Cafe Laura experience: “Welcome to the Seven Deadly Sins... thing. I’m bad at this. What can I say?” And that quote pretty much sums up our evening at Cafe Laura.

For those of you who do not know, each HRIM student is required to work a semester at Cafe Laura. Each student learns how to cook, serve, take reservations, and plan a whole dinner with a selected group. Onward State decided to check out the Se7en: Food to Die For dinner that took place on March 14th. Check out our collaborative review of the evening after the jump.

Bar Wars: Indigo vs. Levels

Okay, so we're starting off our "Bar Wars" series backwards here...but let's be honest: you have to end up at a club at the end of the night. It's important to conclude any night in a fun atmosphere, especially a bar tour. After drinking all day, you'll want an exciting environment. The club selection at PSU is... let's go with, limited, so we took the two clubs downtown and put them head-to-head in this week's Bar Wars challenge. So what's it gonna be? Indigo or Levels? Andrew Tarr took the task of going to both Indigo and Levels to rank the two via several categories. The results are after the jump.

How to Get Kicked Out of Indigo

Ever wonder why that drunk guy was getting kicked out of Indigo? Some pretty dumb things happen inside the club, and we decided to do some research to figure out the most effective ways to get kicked out of Indigo.

fun. and Parachute Play Founder’s Day

Last night, SPA and the Lion Ambassadors provided Penn State students with some Founder's Day entertainment as Parachute and fun. played in front a large crowd at Alumni Hall.

Onward State Interviews on State Patty’s Day [Video]

Other than just photographing yesterday, John O'Brien and myself decided to interview whatever students were willing to talk about their State Patty's Day thus far. The interviews took place from 2-3PM on Saturday, and most students we interacted with were very kind (some a little bit TOO nice...).

State Patty’s Day: A Whole Lotta Green [Photos]

Fellow photographer John O'Brien and I decided to brave the cold weather and aimlessly wandering drunken mobs to take some photographs--for the sake of never having to use that same balcony photograph for each SPD post. Green is flowing through the streets of State College, evidence that despite evidence to slow it down, State Patty's Day has not been stopped. Check out the slideshow below, to see some of the colorful characters walking around downtown.

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