

Author: Mindy Szkaradnik

About the Author

Mindy Szkaradnik

Mindy is a senior majoring in Print Journalism, Spanish, and Global and International Studies. She is the 12th member of her family to attend Penn State, she loves Bruce Springsteen, and her friends are always making fun of her for talking too much about study abroad. She can be reached on Twitter (@mszkarad) or via email ([email protected]).

Study Abroad Week Is Here

The Education Abroad office is hosting a variety of events today through Friday as a part of Study Abroad Week.

Pennsylvanians Should Rejoice That Settlement Keeps Fine In State

While many Penn Staters around the world celebrate the restoration of Joe Paterno’s 111 wins on Friday, all of Pennsylvania should be rejoicing that resources for victims of sexual abuse in the state are about to improve greatly.

Onward State’s Official Senior Year Bucket List

Make the best of this last semester by printing out and completing all 60 items on Onward State's Official Senior Bucket List.

UPUA to Terminate iClicker Rental Program, Sell 380 Clickers

After spending close to $13,000 to create an iClicker rental system over the past four years, the UPUA is now liquidating the program.

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