

Author: Noel Purcell

About the Author

Noel Purcell

Noel Purcell is Onward State's Features Editor. He's a senior Supply Chain major, but is going to law school at some point in the future and masquerades as a writer for now. He continues to disappoint his ancestors by being a complete Irish stereotype. His email is because there were no other Noels before him. His ex-wife got the good half of his bio in the divorce settlement.

The Five Worst Buildings On Campus

This list counts down the five ugliest, most rage-inspiring feats of engineering contained in the 16802 area code, and will hopefully allow people to vent their frustrations.

Faculty Senate Approves Policy To Excuse Interview Absences

The policy cites major Penn State recruiters like J.P. Morgan, who schedule final interviews with students, as well as graduate, law, and medical schools, key examples of times when a student would need to attend and interview and not have much say in its date.

Penn State Maintains Positive Moody’s Rating

Moody's cited several reasons for the rating, most notably including improved university governance. “[Penn State's rating] reflects its position as one of the nation's largest and leading public universities, sustained philanthropic support, modest financial leverage and significantly strengthened governance and management practices,” the report says.

OS Power Rankings: Downtown Outdoor Drinking Spots

We power ranked the seven best outdoor bars in State College, so you can be an informed drinker.

Psychic Mediums Like Monica Ten-Kate Are Lying Frauds: A Retraction

Instead of reporting critically, we presented her implausible assertions at face value, and implied that Ten-Kate can actually speak to the dead. In reality, she most certainly can't talk to the dead, because that's quite simply impossible. Anyone who claims to have that power is a liar. We apologize for any confusion or ire this may have caused amongst our readership, and we appreciate your comments.

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