Did you know that 60% of all Penn State graduates started their education at a Commonwealth Campus? As part of that percentage, I took advantage of the many services and activities offered at my former campus, Penn State Altoona. It had all the same amenities as a large campus, in a more intimate setting. Upon transitioning to the University Park campus this past fall, I was ready to apply the life lessons that I had learned at Altoona, and jump right in. I quickly came to realize, however, that Penn State University Park is a campus divided.
If Avicii wasn’t enough to satisfy your need to dance, and sweat, and dance some more, then you’re in luck! There will be a battle of the D.J.s at Indigo this Wednesday.
Kyle Harris felt a lot of disappointment and confusion when the news of Jerry Sandusky’s abuse rocked Penn state. What really struck him about the whole story was that the victims were not being recognized and were not the focus in the media. It was the victims who took a back seat to the Penn State football organization.
Penn State Club Croquet is a club shrouded in mystery. We’ve all seen them on campus, in their light blue pinnies, or at football games in their cutoff jean shorts and faux mustaches. Many of us have even come across the infamous “Croq house” also known as the “Bro-quet house.” These dedicated members have created quite a stir on campus, priding themselves in going over the top in everything they do; the sillier, the better.
You hear a scuffle from across the bar. Loud, incoherent shouts coupled with angry grunts and tumbling bar stools. Sighhhh... yet another drunken buffoon trying to prove his dominance like a male chimpanzee.
Okay, I get it. Males need to prove their dominance because of the structure of our society. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there, only the strong shall survive, it’s a man’s world…BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.
Although I believe that these drunken tirades are pointless, I have to admit that they are utterly entertaining.
I’ve noticed that each male fight almost always follows the same dialogue, listed below are some of my favorites.
I’m a feminist, and I’m proud…there, I said it. Go ahead and cast your stones, but I don’t care what anyone says. I am proud of being a female, and I am especially proud of the accomplishments of the women who came before me: the women who overcame adversity, the women who stood up against inequality and were unfazed by the negativity and sexism standing in their way, threatening to stop them in their tracks. It isn’t just women’s rights I am interested in; I care about equality for all, and believe wholeheartedly in The Golden Rule. So, now that I made everyone aware that I am very interested in women’s rights, I would like to voice my opinion on the idea of having a “Slut Walk” at Penn State, which is currently being organized by a group of students via Facebook.
It isn’t just women’s rights I am interested in; I care about equality for all, and believe wholeheartedly in The Golden Rule. So, now that I made everyone aware that I am very interested in women’s rights, I would like to voice my opinion on the idea of having a “Slutwalk” at Penn State, which is currently being organized by a group of students via facebook.