

Author: Tara Maerz

About the Author

Tara Maerz

Hi I'm Tara. I grew up in Abington (Penn State Abington is basically my backyard). I am a junior Print Journalism major. I enjoy traveling, trashy reality TV shows, cereal and pillows.

‘Tis the Season for Graduation

Hopefully, those graduating this semester already know the dates and locations of theirĀ commencement ceremonies.

But for the friends and family who want/are forced to watch--or for the future grads who let all the spiced rum and eggnog go to their heads--we've put together a short and sweet list of save-the-dates.

Shifting Positions in Information Technology

With technology advancing and changing by the millisecond, Information Technology at Penn State is making changes to keep up.

John T. Harwood has recently been appointed Penn State's new associate vice provost for Information Technology, replacing Jeffrey C. Kuhns, who retired from the position in September. Cole Camplese will take over Harwood's previous position as senior director for Teaching and Learning with Technology.

NAACP Promotes Positive Images and Popular Music

For just $10, you could enjoy a catered dinner with a side of Robert Wilson this weekend. Interested? You should be.

Sunday Dec. 5, the Penn State chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) will be hosting its first Image Awards.

Penn State vs. Crows: Round 4

For the fourth year in a row, the Penn State Office of Physical Plant (OPP) will take on the crows.

Mortar Board Celebrates 75 Years of Honor

Ever heard of the Mortar Board? Maybe not, but your future employers probably have. The Mortar Board is a national senior honor society and today marks the Penn State chapter's 75th year in existence.

PSU Harrisburg Ready to Grow

Could Penn State Harrisburg be the next Happy Valley?

Probably not, but they are on their way to becoming more of a college town. With enrollment on the rise, officials and developers in Middletown and Lower Swatara Township are making moves toward a student-focused community.

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