

10 Questions With Red Bull Student Marketeer Carly Gross

Have you ever been handed an ice-cold Red Bull while walking through State College? If so, you’ve likely crossed paths with Carly Gross, one of two Red Bull student marketeers on campus.

Gross has been representing Red Bull since August 2022. Onward State sat down with her to get an inside look at being a Red Bull student marketeer.

Onward State: Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Carly Gross: I’m from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. I have one sister who also goes here. I’m an advertising major with a minor in digital media trends and analytics. I live with 10 girls here at Penn State in a house. I’m also a huge Philly sports fan, and I love going to Eagles and Sixers games with my family when I am home.

OS: What got you interested in becoming a Red Bull student marketeer?

CG: I worked in beverage sales before as an intern at a beer wholesaler company. So when I was looking for jobs online for something I could do at Penn State, I was looking for something where I could build my own schedule, but also within beverage sales. So this landed perfectly for me. 

OS: How did you land this position?

CG: I found it on LinkedIn when I was searching for jobs where I could build my own schedule. They advertised the job as not your typical nine-to-five, so I knew that would be perfect for me as a student. When I did get the job, I saw they weren’t lying. I do get to build my own schedule, except if there’s a big event, which is always fun.

OS: What’s your favorite part of being a Red Bull student marketeer?

CG: I would say the people I’ve met and the experience I’ve had in State College. There’s one other student marketer, but I’m on a Pittsburgh team. They’ve come down here before for last year’s Homecoming, and they’re coming this year for Homecoming again. Then also, in the summer, I worked with the Philly market, so getting to meet all of the people from Philly has been really awesome, too, because everyone shares the same interest. I am also promoting this project called Red Bull Basement right now, which is really fun. It basically allows students to promote their entrepreneurial ideas and have the possibility of them coming to life.

OS: What skills have you picked up through this role?

CG: Definitely just being outgoing, because you do have to approach a lot of people with cans. So just getting to talk to people you don’t know has been something that I’ve learned, and it’s helped me with other interviews for different jobs. Just getting used to talking to others. Also, I’m embedded in the brand now, so it feels cool to know facts about the drink and the brand when you’re going out and doing stuff like this.

OS: What do you hope to accomplish as a Red Bull student marketeer?

CG: I hope to accomplish spreading a ton of brand awareness around the Penn State campus. I want students to think of Red Bull when they are studying, working out, partying, and through all different occasions. Whenever I see people drinking a can around campus, I always wonder if it was me who made a difference in their love for the energy drink.

OS: If you could come up with a new Red Bull flavor, what would it be and why?

CG: I like fruit punch flavors. This may have already been one because they have seasonal additions that come and go. I don’t know if they’ve had this before, but maybe something fruit punchy, but obviously with a little carbonated vibe.

OS: How many Red Bulls would you say you drink in an average week?

CG: I used to drink more when I first started, maybe five a week. And in the summer, when I worked for [Red Bull], I would drink one every day. But now I would say only around three. And the new sugar-free editions have come out, so I have been trying all those flavors recently. Usually, when I go out, I’ll have one, and when I have an early class I bring one with me. And I’ve got all my roommates hooked, so I keep refilling my fridge.

OS: What else do you do outside of being a student marketeer?

CG: I’m just in ESA. I also like to go out with my friends and my family comes up a lot for tailgates. At home, I worked for a beer wholesaler last summer and Red Bull. I also go to Long Beach Island with my family.

OS: Per Onward State tradition, if you could be any dinosaur, which one would you be and why?

CG: I would pick a Brachiosaurus because I’m only five feet tall, so if I could transform into a dinosaur I would want to be a tall one.

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About the Author

Sylvia Prebor

Sylvia is a second-year public relations major from Conneaut Lake, PA. Her loyalty lies with the Steelers and Penn State, which means her football season is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. When she’s not cheering (or crying), she’s busy spending her entire budget on clothes. If you want to bond over fashion or football, hit her up on Instagram @sylviaprebor or shoot her an email @[email protected]

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