The Paper Trail blog at U.S. News & World Report has begun its annual Best in College Newspapers contest. The categories are Story of the Year, Nonstory of the Year, Newsmaker of the Year, and Best Alternative Media Outlet. Firstly, we were wondering… r we alternative enough? R we snarky enough? Should we be more […]
The New York Times ran an annoying article yesterday about how USC really, really wishes it was going to play a better team in a BCS game other than the Rose Bowl. When a team ends its team meetings in training camp by chanting “Miami,” the host city of this season’s Bowl Championship Series title […]
The LA Times has a neat article about Penn State’s first Rose Bowl appearance, which was incidentally against USC. That first squad left for California on December 19, 1922, and was led by Hugo Bezdek. Heading into the Rose Bowl, they were 6-4-1 (ties were still allowed back then). “They wanted to make it an […]
Twitter is buzzing with Penn State mentions. Here are some of the ones we liked best.
Harrisburg International Airport was busier than usual today as Penn State fans began their journeys westward for the Rose Bowl in Pasedena. Six of seven charter planes left today, according to The Patriot News. The increased business has slightly cushioned the airport from what will still be a poor year financially. Without the Penn State […]
At heart, I’m really more of a Gizmodo than a Gawker, so this story really got me going. Nathan Smith, Photo Editor emeritus, is handling the photography at the Rose Bowl for the Collegian. He posted a brief entry on the Exposure blog about the equipment he would be taking out to Pasedena. I brought […]