

Day: December 4, 2008

College Dictionary: Sorostitute

College Dictionary is a feature designed to keep you in the know. Onward State recognizes that there are many words exclusive to college campuses (and in some cases, Penn State), and even some upperclassman may be unaware of their meanings or origins. Today’s word: Sorostitute.

Sheep Won’t Be Headed To Pasadena

As reported earlier here at Onward State, beloved Mascot and Penn State student James D. Sheep was charged with driving under the influence on Nov. 26. While initially Penn State Athletics declined to say much about Sheep’s legal missteps, they released a statement this afternoon informing the public of his suspension. Information is limited for […]

Kutztown Relents, Allows Students Stinky Cars

The Morning Call reported today on a new policy at Kutztown University. The outdoor-smoking ban at Pennsylvania’s state-owned universities that had some people fuming three months ago at Kutztown University could be modified, administrators said Wednesday. A change proposed by the State System of Higher Education would allow puffing in cars as long as the […]

Secretary Spanier Speculation Spreads

Yesterday, we posted that President Spanier is being considered by President-Elect Obama for Education Secretary, The most notable speculation came from Marc Ambinder, a blogger for The Atlantic. Credit for first pointing out that post goes to @ByDanielVictor, who sent out the link on Twitter. Today, the Collegian ran this above the fold story with […]

NPR Features Fragrance Company

NPR’s All Things Considered featured a segment yesterday about Masik, the company that sells the Penn State fragrance line. You can listen to the story on NPR’s website. For more information, check out our earlier coverage.

Iowa PD Tweets, but State College PD Tweeted

The Daily Iowan recently ran a story about how the Coralville PD was using Twitter. Coralville is the town adjacent to Iowa City, home of the University of Iowa. For the last month, the police have sent updates, called “tweets,” using this social-networking site. Some updates, such as the one above, are fun. Others are […]

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