

Day: December 9, 2008

Everything’s Coming Up Planned: 12/31

The Penn State Alumni Association posted information about events happening in Pasadena for the Rose Bowl. Here are the events happening on December 31, known to some as New Year’s Eve and to others as Rose Bowl Eve. The Rose Bowl Kickoff Luncheon ($85, noon, tent adjacent to stadium) The Rose Bowl Kickoff Luncheon is […]

Tequila Tariffs?

Yup. According to the Collegian, Borough Council is thinking of imposing a 10% tax on poured alcoholic beverages. “We all want it,” Council President Elizabeth Goreham said. “This is our dream tax.” The proposed measure represents an opportunity for the borough to receive income from its student population, which typically pays fewer taxes than permanent […]

File Under: Things We Like

The Collegian reported this morning that the Senior Class Gift Committee has hung tags on the gifts donated by previous classes. Tagged gifts include the Allen Street Gates, the aquarium in the HUB-Robeson Center and a bust of former Penn State President Edwin E. Sparks in the Sparks Building, among others to represent a “diverse […]

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