

Day: February 3, 2009

Twitter & Penn State

What are you doing? One million-plus Twitter users certainly want to know. I discovered the increasingly popular social network after I noticed a few coworkers at my summer internship using the service. Initially, I used the service to keep in touch with them after I came back to school. Then things got a lot more interesting. I began to discover people from all across the Penn State community. Fellow students, professors, alumni and even Penn State services all have Twitter accounts.

The best way to describe Twitter is that it is like Facebook status updates- but better. Messages are limited to 140 characters at a time, which gives just enough space for short and easily digestible information. You can use the service from your cellphone, through a web browser and through any number of mobile devices. To further explain the simple social network, I'll test your SAT skills with a nice analogy: Followers are to Twitter what Friends are to Facebook. Followers are people that have elected to see your updates in real time. The "Following" category of your account lists the Twitter users that you follow, and therefore receive their updates. Below you will find a list containing some of my favorite Twitter users around Penn State, as well as some other members of the Twitterverse.

Support THON at ABC’s in Harrisburg

Do you like food? Do you like THON? Do you live in Harrisburg? The answer to the first two questions is almost certainly ‘yes’– otherwise, ask yourself why you are reading a Penn State blog. But if you can answer ‘yes’ to the third question, then we know what you should be doing tomorrow night. […]

Penn State Meteorologists Featured in NYT Article

Even though this is a blog (so hip), we’re all pretty much newspaper junkies. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get a rise any time I saw someone or something I know mentioned in the redoubtable gray lady. Penn State meteorologists and their reactions to yesterday’s unexpectedly warm conditions were featured in a […]

Beer Pong + Hope = Presidency

Next time your mom complains to you about all your weekend partying, just direct her to this Esquire profile of David Plouffe, Obama’s campaign manager. Why? Plouffe is an expert beer pong player. Indeed, he says that he spent most of his time at the University of Delaware perfecting his technique. He does have some […]

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