

Day: February 8, 2009

Portrait of a Self Made Man: Uncle Mike

There are more than 38,000 permanent residents in State College, Pennsylvania. There are more than twice as many students that live part-time in University Park for undergraduate and graduate studies throughout the course of the year. In addition to all of this, who could forget the constant traffic that streams through this Centre County hot […]

Vote Vote Vote!

The time has come for you to do your civic duty by voting for Onward State in the US News and World Report-Best Alternative Media Contest! You should vote early and vote often! The contest, against the likes of Columbia’s Bwog, Wisconsin’s Critical Badger, and Berkeley’s The Daily Clog, is open until February 17th. Imagine […]

Last Night’s Party

Every night is a journey– it’s hard to predict where it will go. Last night, we ended up at a fundraiser being held for Powershift.

UPUA President Rallies for Rally

We obtained a copy of the email that UPUA President Gavin Keirans sent out to his list-serv imploring them to come to Monday’s rally to protest the cuts in Penn State’s appropriations for the upcoming budget year. While this may not seem like a major issue, it really could have a grave impact on the […]

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