

Month: May 2009

PSU Documentary on the Geospatial Revolution

This post was auto-playing anytime the page loaded, so we moved it to after the jump.

Trash to Treasure Sale Brings in $60k

This past Saturday, the Office of the Physical Plant hosted it’s eighth annual Trash To Treasure Sale.  63.4 tons of goods, collected mostly from students was assembled in Beaver Stadium for sale to the public.  Eager shoppers started to line up outside of Gate C around 4:00 AM.  Penn State Live reports that the line […]

Penn State 13th in Director’s Cup Standings

Penn State athletics is currently sitting in 13th place nationally in the Director’s Cup standings. The Director’s Cup is an award administered by the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics and is given annually to the school with the best overall athletic program. The ranking is done based on the success of up to […]

Distraction of The Day: JayPa’s HD Journal

We’ve already mentioned that we’re fans of Nittany Lions Quarterback Coach Jay Paterno’s twitter – but who can settle for only 140 characters at a time? Jay has spent the off season occasionally writing entries in his personal blog – The HD Journal – and so far it’s proven the benefits of public figures embracing […]

PSU Grad Wins Big On Wheel Of Fortune

Remember Tom – The Wheel of Fortune Contestant who Ryan interviewed a few weeks ago? He apparently has a heck of a poker face. That’s because Tom, who was contractually obligated not to disclose the results of the February taping of the popular game show prior to its airing (May 25th), didn’t even give us […]

Airport Has Fiery Field Day

On Wednesday afternoon, the University Park Airport held its triennial emergency response exercise. The University actually owns the airport, so it was responsible for executing the exercise. (Also, here’s a fun fact: it’s the busiest airport in the United States to not have a traffic control tower. They do have one in the works though.) […]

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