

Day: May 3, 2009

Penn State Heads to Long Island

I went up to Long Island this weekend to run the half-marathon in the 2009 Long Island festival of races. When I got there, I had to check in at the runner’s expo. The first person I met, a man named Charlie, gave me a big smile when he handed me my information. “University Park?” […]

Swine Flu Hits PA

After traipsing across numerous states and continents, swine flu has finally hit Pennsylvania. Penn Live reports, Health officials confirmed Pennsylvania’s first case of swine flu Sunday in a 31-year-old male in Montgomery County. Pennsylvania Department of Health spokeswoman Stacy Kriedeman says that there are six probable cases, all in Philadelphia or suburban Montgomery and Bucks […]

Eco-Action Tests Toilet Paper in HUB

While they didn’t actually end up letting people test drive the different types of toilet paper, Eco-Action did let students evaluate various paper options being considered by Penn State while it decides whether to renew its contract with Kimberly-Clark. Here’s a little video we made about the event. You can find a post that has […]

Overheard on Twitter: Hot Job

What do you think her job responsibilites are?
