

Month: October 2009

Onward State’s Simple Election Day Primer

I should disclose the fact that I’m the co-campaign manager for the Elizabeth Goreham mayoral campaign. I’ve been around all the campaigns over the last few months, and am going to try to present an unbiased view of the candidates. Mayoral Election The untimely death of Mayor Welch has created a hole in the borough’s […]

Lion In Wait: Penn State Versus Northwestern

Lion In Wait is Onward State’s football column for Penn State conference games.  Published Friday at 5 P.M. before games featuring Big Ten opponents, LIW emphasizes the game from a fan perspective. Given the time of the year, I could write about how the Nittany Lions’ trip to Evanston, IL this Saturday is a ‘fright’ […]

PSU Students Make it to Finals in Obama’s Health Care Video Challenge

Recently, three humble PSU freshmen were assigned to put a video together for their honors English class. The topic: health care reform. And guess what? The trio – comprised of Steve Patrick of New Cumberland, Josie Farinelli of New Kensington, and Ryan Kramer of Maryland – made it to the finals of the Barack Obama […]

Americans R Gitting More Smart

In a recent New York Times article, it was reported that 2008 college enrollment rates hit a new record, at 40% of 18-24-year-olds. “I’m a college student,” you might say, “How will this affect me?” The Times article points out that most of this increase is due to an large increase in community-college enrollment. And […]

A Penn State Halloween: Haunted House Hopping

A lot of people think Penn State students only dress in skeezy (FireFox is telling me skeezy isn’t a word. Apparently it hasn’t been to this campus…) costumes, but there is much more going down on campus than one may think. Several student organizations on campus have opened this year’s assortment of haunted houses. Tonight, […]

Too Broke For a Bike? Jumpstart’s Got You Covered!

Leadership Jumpstart (EDTHP 234H) sure is rolling out some ambitious ideas this semester. Just last Sunday the Sound Garden Music Festival, an LJS brain-child, celebrated PSU’s new arboretum. With much respect to the organizers of the festival, another group of LJS students have concocted an idea that might be of a little more interest to […]

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