

Day: October 14, 2009

SOMA Presents: The 2009 MP3 Experiment

This year, SOMA will pull off its very own MP3 experiment. What is an MP3 experiment, you ask? A large number of voluntary participants download the same MP3 file, but don’t play it until they arrive at the official time and place of the experiment, where they all then play the file at once. And […]

Airbands: More Entertaining Than a Broken Leg

After 2.5 hours of Airbands, I craved a quick and painless death. But I conquered my hasty reactions and blogged about it instead. The show began at 7:00 last night and entertained me for a brief spell. But it refused to end. Who the hell willingly spends three hours of their nights to experience the […]

College Is Worth It, But It Doesn’t Matter Where You Go

An article in the New York Times blog Economix asserts that it isn’t all that important where you went to school but simply that you got a college degree. The article had a pretty interesting quote relating a degree from Penn State vs. the University of Pennsylvania: It tracked top high-school students through their 30s […]

Sponsored Post: The Bagel Boys of State College

In an effort to become self-sustaining, we have begun offering sponsorship opportunities to local businesses. However, this will not be standard ‘banner’ advertising. We’ve worked hard to create sponsored content we hope will have genuine value to our readers. If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please send us an email. Irving’s is a family-run […]

An Opportunity to Rethink Urban Poverty

The Philadelphia Field Project is currently recruiting students for the 2010 project year. In this integrative research experience, students re-examine urban poverty outside the realm of traditional economic development. For five weeks in May and June of 2010, students will reside in West Philadelphia under the tutelage of Dr. Lakshman Yapa. Each participant creates his […]
