

Day: November 18, 2009

D’oh! I Just Got Evangelized by Kirk Cameron!

I was crossing Shortlidge when a woman shoved a book at me and said, “Origin of Species?” I couldn’t really hear her explanation over my music, so I smiled, nodded, and took the book. Once I got to Willard, I paged through it before class began. The book, framed as a commemoration of the 150th […]

Thirstiest Thursday Yet

The most epic Thirsty Thursday has arrived, dear friends. Tomorrow is National Go To Class Drunk Day. According to Facebook, roughly 154,000 students partook in last year’s festivities. However, only 2,500 students have joined the Facebook group for tomorrow’s events. What an outrage! But I digress. NGTCDD occurs on the third Thursday of every November, […]


As of a few days ago, Penn State was losing to Michigan State in the PSU – MSU Blood Donor Challenge. Well, as of a few hours ago, we are now officially winning the blood collection race! BUT… not by much! The Current Scores (as of Tuesday evening): PSU – 1548 MSU – 1523 That’s […]

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