

Day: January 23, 2010

Tree Swings for PSU!

I don’t know if you guys have heard of this movement on campus to get tree swings put up but it sounds awesome.

The idea came to Samuel Borchers and Stephanie Herbstritt after swinging around on one at a local college by Sam’s home town. Initially, the two planned on buying the materials themselves and having friends help them install the swings under the cover of night, but eventually they decided they wanted the swings to stay hung once they were up, so the duo took their plan public.

10 Questions with Keith Murray

I got a chance to talk to Keith Murray, lead singer and guitarist for We Are Scientists last night while he personally manned the band's merch table. Armed with a list of ten questions solicited from my fellow concert goers, I took this opportunity to learn a little more about him and the band. The interview was enlightening to say the least. Read on to see what I found out...
