Joe Biden Rally Attendees Will Need Tickets

Students looking to attend the Joe Biden “Moving America Forward” rally tomorrow in the HUB’s Alumni Hall will be required to pick up free tickets, which will be made available in the HUB today at 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., and tomorrow from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Students will be required to present their student ID and only one ticket will be distributed per ID.
The Vice President is scheduled to speak at Penn State on Tuesday in order to rally support for the upcoming mid-term elections in November. The rally, which is hosted by the Penn State College Democrats, will open its doors at noon, with the event scheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m.
While non-students are encouraged to attend, students will be given top priority for admission. Non-students can pick up their tickets between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Monday at the county Democratic headquarters, located at 224 S. Allen Street.
Updated 11:54am: is reporting that Young Americans for Freedom will be having a “Rally for Jobs” outside of the Biden event on Pollock Road. According to YAF Chairman Samuel Settle, “This administration was brought to power by the youth vote, but they (the administration) have done literally nothing for the young people of America.”
While that statement certainly isn’t true, with health care reform allowing young people to stay on their parents’ healthcare until they are 26, the YAF protest will certainly add to the political atmosphere the Biden visit will bring.
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