

Day: October 12, 2010

Rep. Thompson to Meet with Students

Have questions about legislation regarding the economy or tuition?

Rep. Glenn "G. T." Thompson (PA-5) will be at the Memorial Lounge of Pasquerilla Spiritual Center from 2 to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 13 to meet and greet with students.

Sammy Suspended By National Chapter

The Mu Lambda chapter remains under a suspension of operations from the Fraternitypending the completion of an investigation and review of the chapter by the universityand by the Fraternity’s Board of Directors. The Fraternity has encouraged the chapter and its members to cooperate with the investigation.

A Music Lover’s Guide to State College

So I've ranted and raved about the current state of the music scene in Happy Valley, but no one has defended the fact that State College actually has a thriving assortment of venues and musicians. From local bands to superstars, both new and old, State College actually has some decent aspects.

Penn State is Logo Manic

What do Penn Staters love more than football? Penn State merchandise. I've bought a lot of useless crap in my life, but even I can't help but roll my eyes at the excessive amounts of Penn State stuff there out there.

Click through the slideshow of some of the silly things I found being pawned off as Penn State gear.

Goo Goo Dolls Help Hungry

Go run to the Mix, Good 2 Go or Louie’s, grab some spaghettiO’s® and swipe your meal points!

The Goo Goo Dolls, who are performing in Eisenhower Auditorium on Tuesday, Oct. 19th at 7:30 p.m. are asking fans to bring nonperishable food to donate. There is a perk; the fan who donates the most items has a chance to meet the band!

Drill Baby Drill, But Do it Right

"Amazing," "exciting, "energy independence," "clean energy," "economic growth" were all buzz words thrown around yesterday at the 2010 Marcellus Summit held at the Penn Stater and sponsored by Penn State University. The Marcellus Shale, by some accounts, has enough natural gas to supply the USA for 100 years, make the USA less reliant on foreign oil, decrease our reliance on dirty carbon-based sources like oil and coal and rejuvenate rural communities in PA.

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