

Month: December 2010

Top 5 Reasons Why I’ll Miss Evan Royster

Even if it's not Joe Paterno's last game, the Outback Bowl will mark the end of a more than a few Penn State football careers.

But that's the way it is. Seniors have to graduate just like fish have to swim (turns out the NCAA doesn't really accept the "super-senior" designation with the same aplomb as the rest of the Penn State community).

There's one Penn State football player whose departure I am dreading, though. He's far and away my favorite athlete on the team. Here are the top five reasons why I'll miss running back Evan Royster.

Lions Set To Face Gators in Outback Bowl

After disappointing seasons for both teams, the University of Florida Gators and the Penn State Nittany Lions will take to the field at the Raymond James Stadium in Tampa Florida to compete in the Outback Bowl.

Your Guide to New Year’s Eve in State College

Not heading to Tampa for the Outback Bowl? Nothing to do in your hometown for New Year's Eve? Or are you one of the many State College High School students turned Penn State undergraduates who have the distinct pleasure of remaining in Happy Valley virtually year-round?

Worry not, my friend. There is plenty to do this New Year's Eve in State College.

Sugar on Top to be Featured on Cupcake Wars

Sugar on Top is going to be featured in an upcoming episode of Cupcake Wars.

Cupcake Wars is a Food Network reality show that pits four pairs of chefs and sous chefs against each other as they compete for a $10,000 prize. The teams are eliminated one-by-one over three rounds.

SuePa Calls JoePa Retirement Rumors “Lies”

In an exclusive interview with Ron Musselman of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Mark Brennan of Fight on State, Sue Paterno spoke out against the rumors that Joe Paterno would be retiring after the Outback Bowl due to health concerns.

According to her, JoePa's health is fine.

Paterno Expert Poorman Debunks Retirement Rumors

Penn State professor Mike Poorman knows a thing or two about Joe Paterno.

That's why I read Poorman's latest column for with extreme interest. In it, Poorman offered his opinion on the rumors of an impending retirement announcement from Joe Paterno.

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