

Honors College Benefactor Bill Schreyer Dies

Last night on Twitter, a number of students tweeted condolences for William A. Schreyer, who is perhaps best well known here as the namesake and benefactor of the Schreyer Honors College. It wasn’t until this morning, though, that we found official confirmation.

First reported by’s Adam Smeltz, the Center for Strategic and International Studies published a release expressing the think-tank’s sorrow at Schreyer’s death. Schreyer was also a major benefactor of the nonpartisan DC-based institute.

The university has a biography of Schreyer available on its website. Schreyer graduated from Penn State in 1948.

We will update this post with more information becomes available.

Update 1:00 pm Sunday
Schreyer Honors College Student Council President Zach Hostetler shares a statement about Schreyer’s passing:

Although I never knew Bill Schreyer personally, I was always struck by his incredible generosity. His passing was a huge loss to the Honors College and university, and I hope that our community will take the time to remember the full life he lived. His extraordinary gifts to the university have given many scholars an opportunity for a better education and a chance to succeed in life. He leaves behind a full legacy that truly serves as an inspiration to anyone familiar with his kindness.

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Creator of @OnwardState. Big fan of sweaters.

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