Registration for elections for UPUA's 6th Assembly are now open. Interested students can register for President/Vice President and At Large, Academic , and Off or On Campus Representative positions. Registration materials are available in the UPUA office, 332 HUB, and must be completed by Friday March 4th.
The University of California, Los Angeles held its 9th annual dance marathon over the weekend. Student groups danced for a whopping 26 hours straight to raise money for pediatric AIDS victims. Something seems a little fishy. It's almost like I've heard of this idea before. Is this just a THON copy cat? Should we Twitter-bitch about it being a "total rip-off" of Penn State's impressive philanthropy? Or should we jump down from our high horse and see this as an indicator of THON's overwhelming success? Let this be a lesson in bragging etiquette.
I sat at home Friday afternoon before heading to the Bryce Jordan Center thinking about what I would experience for the next two days. I knew it would be something I never forgot, something that I would take with me for the rest of my life, no matter how old I got. When I returned to my couch on Sunday evening, I realized that I didn't dream big enough.
In this autobiographical presentation, a dancer records her thoughts at key points during Thon so she can share her perspective on the event. --Natalie Sheehan
Throughout THON weekend, everybody had their own tips on how to stay motivated, stay dancing and stay sane.
Some people thought the best way to stay awake was embarking on a 1000-word puzzle while others provided piggy-back rides across the floor.
After learning their fate for the national tournament last week, the Penn State Icers traveled to Rhode Island for the Eastern States Collegiate Hockey League (ESCHL) playoffs last weekend. Penn State fell to Delaware in the semifinals on Saturday. The Icers finish out the regular season against Rutgers before heading to the national tournament to play Rhode Island.