

Day: October 20, 2011

UPUA Approves Princeton Review Subsidy at Noisy Town Hall Meeting

The University Park Undergraduate Association's first town hall meeting of the year was a lot like a Passover Seder--in that listing all the reasons why Wednesday night's meeting was different from all other meetings would take quite a while. For one, there were dozens of students in attendance, rather than the scant two or three who typically show up. Open Student Forum wasn't just a formality, but an avenue for constituents to voice their opinions. And the location--in the HUB already occupied by a tent village not twenty feet away--made for an interesting situation, where anyone without a microphone could hardly be heard over the din.

Cost of Living Off Campus Continues to Rise

The hunt for an off campus house or apartment in State College is on for Penn State students. Every year, prices to live in small apartments with a handful of friends continue to rise at an alarming rate. Realty companies know they can charge outrageous prices for subpar apartments, because students are in dire need of places to live. They have a stranglehold on the wallets of the students.

10 Questions with Setter Micha Hancock

Micha Hancock has surprised many by earning the starting setter position for the Penn State women's volleyball team in her freshman year. At setter, she has wowed Penn State fans with her impressive jump serve and her left-handed attack. Onward State had a chance to speak with Hancock before the Nittany Lions played Ohio State on Wednesday night.

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