

Happy Holidays from Onward State!

As you settle in to your second and third helpings of Christmas dinner (or Chinese food) and your Christmas movie of choice, Onward State would like to wish you a happy holiday.

May your time spent with your family be reinvigorating, and may your joy far exceed that of the Onward State staff in this picture!

We’ll see you back up in Happy Valley in the new year.


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Posts from the all-student staff of Onward State.

Penn State Professor & Former Department Head Dies

Bénédicte Monicat was a professor of French and women’s studies and a former head of the Department of French and Francophone Studies.

Your THON 2025 Prep Checklist

Whether you’re dancing, volunteering, or supporting your friends from the stands, this weekend will test your stamina and commitment to a great cause.

Deaf Professor Alleges Disability Discrimination In Lawsuit Against Penn State

Joseph Valente, says the university violated the Americans with Disabilities Act and Rehabilitation Act as a cost-cutting measure.

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