

Day: February 18, 2012

2012 Homecoming Theme Announced at THON

The 2012 Homecoming theme was announced Saturday afternoon at THON. Following a short video presentation with members of the Homecoming Committee on stage, the theme was revealed as "The Glory Echoes On." After the announcement, the committee members (which included UPUA president and unfortunately tieless T.J. Bard) and Executive Directer Bridgette Carrier performed the THON line dance on stage.

2012 Line Dance: As Seen Through a Moraler’s Eyes [video]

One of my personal favorite little cameras is my GoPro. With that in mind, I wanted to find a good use for it at THON. Morale Captain Shannon Holzer was kind enough to let us use her as an experiment. We strapped a GoPro to her head and let her do her thing!

Slides of Strength Get Dancers off Their Feet

Who knew that a wrestling mat covered with baby powder could provide so much relief for dancers? Five times throughout THON weekend, dancers will have the opportunity to dive onto the mat and receive a full-body rub down courtesy of the OPPerations Committee. Check out more after the jump!

Rock Solid: EMS Represents at THON

What started out as a small organization grew to be one of the top general organizations raising money for the kids.

Atlas Welcomes Third Family This THON

Atlas Benefitting THON is perhaps best known for being the first non-Greek organization to fundraise the highest total over the course of a year. You’ll see them wearing their signature fuzzy pink hats—on street corners during canning weekends, and in their place in the stands during THON itself. But just as the fuzzy pink hats have their own story, Atlas has a new story to tell this year—this past Thursday, the day before THON, Atlas just got its third THON family.

Emily Whitehead

Emily Whitehead, THON Appreciation

What did you ask for this past Christmas? An iPad, new laptop, a new pair of shoes? This past Christmas, Emily Whitehead would have rather spent her time in the hospital undergoing her bone marrow and stem cell transplant after her relapse, than risk missing THON 2012.

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