

Day: February 21, 2012

[SoundSlides] THON 2012 in Pictures

With THON 2012 now two days behind us, we can once again say that THON 2013 is tomorrow. But before diving head-first into next year's preparations, we'd like to present you with a slideshow with some of Onward State's finest pictures from this weekend.

Struggling With a Caffeine Addiction? There’s An App For That.

Well, here we are suffering a post-THON hangover, chugging a venti Starbucks and cursing out all of our professors who even considered assigning work this week. As you annoyingly slurp out those precious last drops of caffeine, you already begin considering when you should get another cup. But when is that exactly?

Dear Uncle Mark, Here’s What I Did For You This Weekend

I had the opportunity to dance in THON 2012 this past weekend. For those who didn't see our post on Friday, I did so in memory of my uncle, Mark Tecce, who passed away at age five from a rare form of childhood cancer. This is what I want to tell him about my experience.

The 46 Hours I Lived

I think one of my favorite parts about THON is that when the weekend passes, and we all wake to a well-risen sun, whether we are alone, with a friend or a few, we are all thinking about the hours that just passed. Far too often, life is heavied by the constant pressure to always get more, veiling the world about us. THON Weekend elevates life absolute.

from Penn State University Park Summer Session facebook page

Summer at Penn State Fair

Are you going to be in State College this summer? Find out what Penn State has to offer at the Summer at Penn State Fair hosted by Penn State’s Office for Summer Session. This event will take place at Alumni Hall in the HUB on Wednesday, February 22 from 11:00am to 3:00pm.

Help Put the Yo(U) Back in UPUA

Are you a wanna-be politician? Does the idea of getting to play around with $120,000 excite you? Do you have an a wrinkly suite or a collection of repulsive ties? Are you a registered student at Penn State - University Park and free on Wednesday nights from 8-10 p.m.?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, perhaps you should consider running for a position in your student government, the University Park Undergraduate Association.

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