

Day: March 30, 2012

2012 White Out T-Shirt Design Review

Well, kiddos, it's that time of year again. Time to determine the design that will grace thousands of white t-shirts at Beaver Stadium, many of them suffering brutal mutilation beforehand courtesy of our school's female population. Yes, I am actually endorsing something on the Collegian website, an extremely rare occurrence. However, I don't want my student section looking like a bunch of tools, so I stress that you make voting for the 2012 White Out t-shirt design a priority before voting closes at 4 PM today. Here's a look at this year's designs, including which one I like best.

TOMS Club “Style Your Sole” at the HUB

The Penn State TOMS Club is hosting a “Style Your Sole” party on the HUB lawn this Sunday, April 1 at 1:00 p.m. Come out to style your shoes and clothing while helping out a great cause at the same time.

Israeli Ambassador to the US Talks on Campus

Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Dr. Michael B. Oren, spoke to a packed house of spectators on Thursday night in 111 Wartik. His message: Israel is America’s ultimate ally.

Nothing is Safe from Lewis Black

Nothing was safe last night when stand-up comic/angry old jewish bastard, Lewis Black, took to the stage at the Eisenhower auditorium. The veteran to the comedy game went after Mark Zuckerberg, the GOP candidates and even the newest social media activism icon, Treyvon Martin. Read more about Black's controversial stand-up act after the jump.

BOB Does Work: I Shut Up The Haters In Under Three Months Edition

Bill O'Brien was hired as the new head coach of the Penn State football program two months and 23 days ago to the tune of disappointment and disdain from fans, students, and alumni. In the time that has passed since then, he's put together one of the strongest recruiting classes that the team has seen in years and has quickly endeared himself to the State College community, forcing the haters to eat their words.

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