The country-wide theme of Relay For Life is "Celebrate, Remember, and Fight Back." The goal is to celebrate survivors, remember those lost to cancer, and fight back against the disease.
It may be impossible to find a sports team at any level that hated change more than the Nittany Lions Football program. On those rare occasions, however, change is impossible to avoid, and that was the inevitable situation one year ago. A year later, another game against Nebraska approaches, and this time, rather than chaos, there is a sense of calmness as a bunch of football players have taught a valuable life lesson in dealing with change.
On October 13, Paige Raque fell five stories from Calder Commons. She sustained life-threatening injuries but her health has made steady progress. Her recovery has been a rallying point for the Penn State and cheerleading communities. Yesterday, WJAC reported that the State College Police Department is investigating Paige Raque for underage alcohol consumption.
We all know that Penn State is highly regarded one of the best science and engineering schools and as a world-class research institution. Well, now we’re getting another weapon in our research arsenal. The Titan S/TEM (that’s scanning/transmission electron microscope for all you non-engineering nerds) is one of the world’s most powerful electron microscopes, and its on it’s way to it’s new home in the Millenium Science Complex.